Thu, 29/04/202113:00-14:00
Title: Dynamics on Jupiter: New Results from NASA's Juno Mission
NASA's Juno Mission is now completing its 5 year nominal mission around Jupiter, orbiting the planet in an eccentric polar-orbit every 53 days. One of the prime mission objectives is better understanding the atmospheric dynamics through gravitational, microwave, infrared and magnetic measurements. In this talk, we will focus on three new results explaining different aspects of the dynamics on Jupiter. First, infrared imaging data revealed that Jupiter’s poles are surrounded by 5 cyclones around the North Pole and 8 cyclones around the South Pole. We explain the location, size and stability of these circumpolar cyclones based on vorticity dynamics. Second, using microwave data, revealing Jupiter’s deep ammonia abundance structure, we show that Jupiter has 8 meridional circulation cells in each hemisphere. These cells resemble in their governing physics Earth's midlatitude Ferrel cells, and relate to the observed red and white belts and zones at Jupiter’s cloud-level. Finally, using Juno’s gravity measurements we constrain the depth of Jupiter’s east-west jet-streams, and the depth (mass) of the most iconic vortex in the Solar system — Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. Overall, this unique multiple instrument dataset allows now explaining the governing physics of several outstanding aspects of Jupiter’s internal and atmospheric dynamics. We will also compare the dynamics to those of Saturn, generalizing some of the this new understanding.
***HE seminar recordings***
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