HE Astrophysics seminar | Hans-Thomas Janka, MPI for Astrophysics

Thu, 22/04/202113:00-14:00

Title: Core-collapse Supernova Theory (II): Connecting Explosion Models to Observations

In my previous talk I reported how three-dimensional first-principle hydrodynamical models with detailed neutrino transport provide support for the viability of the neutrino-driven mechanism, which was originally proposed as an explanation for the explosion of core-collapse supernovae by Colgate and White in 1966. While many aspects of the extremely complex physics still need deeper exploration and better understanding, consequences of the mechanism can now be tested by observations, and model predictions open new perspectives for understanding the death of massive stars and the characteristics of their remnants. Here I will review recent insights obtained from 3D simulations of neutrino-driven explosions into the geometrical and chemical structure of young supernova remnants, possible explosion-progenitor connections, and the natal properties of the compact relics of stellar core collapse.

***HE seminar recordings***


Zoom details:


Meeting ID: 891 0952 3146

Passcode: 485033