Hebrew University Condensed Matter Seminar w/ Adarsh Ganesan

Thu, 24/03/202212:15-13:15
Danziger B, Jerusalem, Israel

Meeting ID: 893 9127 5870
Passcode: 051508

Prof. Yaron Bromberg

Phononic Frequency Combs -- Online seminar, please tune in from your office/home

Phononic frequency combs (PFC) are the mechanical analogs of celebrated photonic frequency combs. These represent a newly documented physical phenomenon in the well researched physical domain of mechanical resonators [1]. The emergence of PFC is mediated by nonlinear modal coupling. Through a series of experiments with mechanical devices, various features of PFC have now been identified. These include drive parameters for comb operation, hysteresis for comb spectrum tailoring and growth, saturation and attenuation mechanisms of combs, and nonlinear sensitivity to physical perturbations. My talk will describe the physics of phononic frequency combs and will emphasize how these could be foundational to the fields of quantum information science. In that respect, I will also present our first conceptual demonstration of active-cavity optomechanics. The future work will be focused on the fundamental contributions leading to the convergence of phononic frequency combs and quantum information science. 1. Ganesan, A., Do, C. and Seshia, A., 2017. Phononic frequency comb via intrinsic three-wave mixing. Physical review letters, 118(3), p.033903.

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