Thu, 29/12/202213:00-14:00
Title: Binary-Single Encounters as Random Walks and Dynamical Formation of Gravitational-Wave Sources
Abstract: Chaotic three-body interactions are a dynamical pathway of gravitational-wave source production. Any such encounter terminates when one of the three stars is ejected to infinity, leaving behind a remnant binary; the problem of binary-single star-scattering consists of finding the probability distribution of the orbital parameters of the remnant binary, as a function of the total energy and the total angular momentum. We model the encounter as a series of close, non-hierarchical, triple approaches, interspersed with hierarchical phases, in which the system consists of an inner binary and a star that orbits it -- this turns the evolution of the entire encounter to a random walk between consecutive hierarchical phases. We generalise the study to account for dissipative processes, such as tides and gravitational-wave emission. If time permits I will also describe on-going work about generalisations to the 4-body problem.
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