"Condensed-Matter Physics Seminar: Vortex core deformation in weakly coupled superfluids"

Thu, 21/05/201512:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Mr. Avraham Klein
Affiliation: Racah Institute of Physics,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Quantum vortices in weakly coupled
superfluids have a large healing length, so
that many particles reside within the vortex
core. They are characterized by topologically
protected singular points, which in principal
should keep their core structure rigid. I will
describe how, in practice, the point
singularity of a vortex deforms into a line
singularity, in proportion with the Magnus
force experienced by the vortex. The vortex
structure is described by weak solutions of
the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, similar to shock
waves in hydrodynamics. I will discuss how
the core deformation significantly affects
many aspects of vortex dynamics.