Thu, 31/03/201612:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Prof. Valentin Freilikher
Affiliation: Department of Physics,
Bar-Ilan University
In this talk, an overview of the current state of
the art in the physics of localization of waves
in one-dimensional random media will be
presented, and recent results, possible
applications, and new trends will be discussed.
K. Bliokh, Yu. Bliokh, V. Freilikher, S. Savel’ev,
F. Nori, Rev. .Mod. Phys. 80, 1202, (2008)
Yu. Bliokh, V. Freilikher, Z. Shi, A. Genack, F.
Nori, New J. of Physics 17, 113009 (2015)
Affiliation: Department of Physics,
Bar-Ilan University
In this talk, an overview of the current state of
the art in the physics of localization of waves
in one-dimensional random media will be
presented, and recent results, possible
applications, and new trends will be discussed.
K. Bliokh, Yu. Bliokh, V. Freilikher, S. Savel’ev,
F. Nori, Rev. .Mod. Phys. 80, 1202, (2008)
Yu. Bliokh, V. Freilikher, Z. Shi, A. Genack, F.
Nori, New J. of Physics 17, 113009 (2015)