Condensed-Matter Physics Seminar: "Gauge Theories with Cold Atoms and Tensor Networks"

Thu, 10/11/201612:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Dr. Erez Zohar
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institut
für Quantenoptik
Over the last years, ideas, concepts and
techniques from quantum optics and quantum
information have been applied and generalized
for the study of many body physics, mostly for
condensed matter problems but, recently, for
high energy physics as well.
In my talk, I will describe such approaches for
the study of lattice many body systems with a
local symmetry - lattice gauge theories:
quantum simulation with ultracold atoms in
optical lattices, as well as tensor network
calculations, demonstrating the possible uses
of such methods for the study of quantum
many body systems.