"Condensed-Matter Physics Seminar: Formation and condensation of Dicke states in a two dimensional optical microcavity"

Thu, 04/06/201512:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Dr. Eran Sela
Affiliation: Faculty of Exact Sciences,
Tel Aviv University
Motivated by recent experiments
reporting Bose-Einstein condensation
(BEC) of light coupled to incoherent dye
molecules in a microcavity, we show that
due to a dimensionality mismatch
between the 2D cavity-photons and the
3D arrangement of molecules, the
relevant molecular degrees of freedom
are collective Dicke states rather than
individual excitations. For sufficiently high
dye concentration the coupling of the
Dicke states with light will dominate over
local decoherence. This system also
shows Mott criticality despite the
absence of an underlying lattice in the
limit when all dye molecules become
excited. The dynamics of the effective
large spins is dictated by the Lipkin-
Meshkov-Glick model Hamiltonian.