Condensed-Matter Physics Seminar: "Beyond von-Neumann projection – implementing unconventional measurements"

Thu, 17/11/201612:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Dr. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy
Affiliation: Physics Department,
University of California, Berkeley
Pushing the limits of quantum measurements
lies at the heart of quantum metrology,
quantum sensors and studies of quantum
foundations. Measurements in superconducting
circuit systems have advanced in the last years
to the level that we can track an observable in
real-time, reconstruct the quantum trajectory,
and even feed-back during a single
experimental iteration. However, the
measurement observable is static and set by
the architecture. I will present a novel detection
scheme that allows independent dynamic
control over the measurement operators of
multiple readout channels. Using this new
scheme, I will demonstrate how a wavefunction
evolves when two non-commuting observables
of a qubit are probed simultaneously. I will
further present the ramifications of this scheme
in the context of quantum control and
metrology applications.