Biological Physics Seminar: "Self-organization of the actin cytoskeleton in Hydra morphogenesis"

Thu, 15/06/201714:00-15:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Prof. Kinneret Keren
Affiliation: Physics Department,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Understanding how mechanics complements bio-signaling in defining patterns during morphogenesis is an outstanding challenge. We utilize the multicellular fresh-water polyp Hydra, famous for its remarkable regeneration properties, to explore this question. We follow actin dynamics during regeneration from tissue segments using transgenic Hydra, and show that large-scale structural inheritance of supra-cellular actin fibers plays a pivotal role in determining the new body axis. We suggest a novel positive feedback mechanism whereby the forces induced by neighboring cells promote actin fiber formation and alignment within individual cells, collectively leading to the large-scale organization of actin fibers spanning the entire organism. This mechanical self-organization naturally provides canalizing forces that promote the formation of a single body axis, even in the absence of external constraints.