Wed, 28/04/202117:00-18:00
Title: Modeling the Galactic Compact Binary Neutron Star Population
Abstract: Binary neutron star (BNS) systems consisting of at least one pulsar provide an avenue for testing a broad range of physical phenomena ranging from tests of General Relativity to probing magnetospheric physics to understanding the behavior of matter in the densest environments in the Universe. Ultra-compact BNS systems with orbital periods less than few tens of minutes emit gravitational waves with frequencies ∼mHz and are detectable by the planned space-based Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), while merging BNS systems produce a chirping gravitational wave signal that can be detected by the ground-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).
Thus, BNS systems are the most promising sources for the burgeoning field of multi-messenger astrophysics. In this talk, I will describe how we can model the population of these systems by using the observed binary pulsar systems in the Galaxy and how we can use it to predict detection rates for LIGO and LISA, as well as calibrate binary stellar evolution models. I will also describe how we can optimize radio pulsar surveys to maximize the detection probability of ultra-compact binary neutron star systems and the prospects for detecting these systems with the current pulsar surveys.