Tue, 06/07/201012:30-13:30
Kaplun Bldg, seminar room, 2nd floor
Solar powered asteroids: Yorp and binary yorp effect
The rotation states of kilometer sized near earth asteroids are known to be affected by the YORP effect. A related effect, Binary YORP (BYORP) has recently been proposed in which a binary asteroid evolves under a radiation effect similar to YORP of the secondary. The BYORP effect can rapidly (∼ 10^4−5 years for a Dp = 2 km primary with a Ds = 0.4 km secondary at 1 AU) alter the orbital elements and will either separate the binary components or cause them to collide.
The rotation states of kilometer sized near earth asteroids are known to be affected by the YORP effect. A related effect, Binary YORP (BYORP) has recently been proposed in which a binary asteroid evolves under a radiation effect similar to YORP of the secondary. The BYORP effect can rapidly (∼ 10^4−5 years for a Dp = 2 km primary with a Ds = 0.4 km secondary at 1 AU) alter the orbital elements and will either separate the binary components or cause them to collide.