Warm congratulations to Dr. Rivka Bekenstein for being awarded the prestigious ERC starting grant

7 September, 2023
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We are delighted to share that Dr. Rivka Bekenstein is amongst the recipients of the European Research Council (ERC) starting grant.
Dr. Rivka Bekenstein is set to receive the grant for her pioneering research in the development of innovative quantum metamaterials tailored for quantum information processing. These materials hold the promise of addressing one of contemporary physics' most profound challenges: the realization of practical quantum technology systems, including quantum computing and communication. During her post-doctoral tenure at Harvard University, Dr. Bekenstein laid the foundations for these metamaterials, demonstrating the feasibility of using arrays of atoms to manipulate the states of individual photons, thereby harnessing them as quantum bits (qubits). Her current research team is actively engaged in fabricating these materials and exerting control over them by constructing arrays of novel quantum particles with exceptional photosensitivity. Their interdisciplinary approach combines experimental techniques like quantum control, low-temperature physics, and nanophotonics with theoretical and computational tools encompassing atomic physics, optics, and quantum information theory. Collaborating closely with Harvard University, this research aims to culminate in the development of a singular chip capable of processing quantum information using photons and cutting-edge quantum particles, a significant stride towards realizing the potential of quantum technology."