The Racah Retreat 2019

7 May, 2019

Photo: Yakov FaermanRight before Passover eve, 90 students and faculty members of the Racah institute went out to enjoy the yearly Racah retreat. We spent two days together, beginning with a walk through nature in Giv'at HaMoreh with beautiful views and spring flowers, and continuing on to spend the night at Ohalo Manor on the shores of the Kinneret.

The food was kosher for Passover but tasty, and the lectures were about physics, but interesting nevertheless! Especially Tsvi Piran's lecture about the first photo of a black hole, and Dima Farfurnik's presentation about Quantum Soccer. The speakers chosen as audience favorites won our respect and a bottle of Van Gogh. In the evening, we heard about the impressive failures of our fellow institute members in physics and life in general. Later we enjoyed a night of karioke, singing and playing instruments. There was lots of goodwill, fun and participation, and maybe a little bit of talent as well :)

We thank everyone for coPhoto: Yakov Faermanming, and special thanks to the organizers, Ayelet Zalic, Paz Or and Itai Keren from The Steinberg Lab.

Looking forward to continuing this great tradition next year!

(Soon more photos will be uploaded to the retreat site,