Condensed Matter Seminar: "Quantum information science usingtrapped ions" - Dr. Eli Megidish Mon, 18/01/202110:00-11:30
Condensed-Matter Seminar: "Quantum-logic precision spectroscopy and control of trapped molecules" Wed, 16/12/202010:00-11:30Location: Virtual
Condensed-Matter Seminar: "complex magnetic textures in topological materials" Thu, 31/12/202012:00-13:30
Condensed-Matter Seminar: "Novel Insights into Many-Body Localized Phases in One and Two Dimensions" Thu, 12/11/202012:00-13:00
Condensed-Matter Seminar:"Collective Dynamics of Coexisting Spin Textures" Thu, 19/11/202012:00-13:00