Nonlinear Physics Seminar: "Pathways towards probing ultrafast multi-electron interactions in atoms and molecules"

Wed, 15/06/201612:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Dr. Gilad Marcus
Affiliation: The Department of Applied Physics,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Laser induced electron re-collision is
the fundamental process behind the
emerging attosecond science ( 1 as =1
× 1 0 -18 sec ). In a semi-classical
model, the electron is first ionized by
the strong electromagnetic (EM) laser
field and then it accelerates forth and
back by the same alternating field to
return to its parent ion with excess of
kinetic energy. The outcome of this re-
collision may split into three different
channels: the first is re-combination
with the parent ion while emitting
energetic EM radiation (high harmonic
generation -HHG), the second is
elastic scattering (above threshold
ionization -ATI) and the third channel
is an in-elastic scattering. While the
first two channels are well described
within the single active electron
approximation, modeling the third
channel requires including the mutual
interactions between the electrons. It is
a long-standing goal being able to
probe such mutual electrons dynamics
directly in the time domain. In my talk
I will describe two different directions
that we are now following to study
such dynamics. The first direction is
studying resonance HHG through
auto-ionization meta-stable states. The
second direction is sub-femtosecond
core-hole excitations in the keV energy
range through laser induced electron